The BADASS SKILLS BUILDER is a low tech solution to a pervasive problem: TRAINING is desperately needed to keep employees and team members engaged and interested in improving their skills and thus, job performance.

Here’s the problem, though. Most training sucks. We know it. You know it. You’ve sat through enough training that made you contemplate pulling the fire alarm to know most TRAINING does NOT produce meaningful or lasting results.

badass skills builder series
bored in meeting

Most training is ineffective (or sucky) because . . .

  • It’s treated as an “event” and done once or twice a year.
  • It’s product focused.
  • It primes participants to demonstrate they know what’s important to the TRAINER, not that they’re applying the skills in real life.
  • It’s long and it’s boring.

Here’s how we can help you change that:

We can customize your SKILLS BUILDER to your company, your industry, your sales team, customer service team, sales leaders, or executives. Using your terms, your core values, and your goals, we’ll build a SKILLS BUILDER that’s perfectly customized for you.

But wait, there’s more:

We’ll also help re-imagine and reinforce the skills your team members are learning through weekly expansion videos. Video fires up our learning pathways faster and more effectively than reading or slides alone. Team members learn at their own pace, they interpret and internalize with guidance. These can be delivered via our system or we can collaborate with your LMS.

And then, the cherry on the Sundae:

We’ll hold a weekly “Skills Lab” where your team members are invited to a live web discussion about HOW they’re putting their skills into practice, what CHALLENGES they’re encountering, and what SUCCESS they are having.

1, 2, 3 – it’s deceptively simple. Affordable. Cost Effective. And it takes training from a dreaded event, to a personal, customized, uplifting experience that brings your team members closer to achieving goals.

Let’s talk about how to get started